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Get your Garden Glowing!

Gardening tips from Thompson & Morgan

Here are some hints and tips from the lovely folk over at Thompson and Morgan to help you get your garden prepped for summer;

  • Don’t forget to clearly mark where you’ve sown your seeds, there’s nothing worse than accidently pulling up what you thought was a small weed, only to realise too late it was one of your own seedlings!
  • If you’re sowing your seeds into pots (or used teabags!), make sure that the compost doesn’t dry out as the seedlings will be relying on you. As soon as the seedlings start to emerge, give them plenty of light too! Like us they love sunshine.
  • Keep an eye on any climbing plants you are growing in the garden, sweet peas, clematis and even runner beans need something to climb over, you can buy ready made frames or create your own using sticks and string!
  • Keep Mint plants well contained in pots as they can spread very quickly. Put the planted up pots where you can brush past them regularly and squeeze a leaf to release that wonderful aroma!
  • Bring the sunshine and your glowing garden indoors, plants such as cosmos make great cut flowers and a patch in your garden can keep you supplied with a posy every week, especially if you mix it with others from your garden.
  • Make successive sowings of your Salad leaves so that as one crop finishes you can move on to the next one. About 10 days in between each row should keep you enjoying home grown fresh salad all summer!
  • As your peppers and tomatoes start to form make sure that the soil or compost around them never, ever dries out. This can lead to something that sounds really terrible – called Blossom End Rot, you definitely want to avoid that!
  • Nigella looks as good once the flowers have finished as when they are out, the attractive seed heads can be left on the plants and they should spread new seed ready to Make Your Garden Glow again next year!
  • Always have a cup of tea in your enamel mug out in the garden to fuel you through the gardening fun!